Our Church At-A-Glance
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Our Services
Weekly Schedule:
9:30 am- Sunday School
10:45 am - Worship Service
11:00 - Children’s Church
5:30 pm - Wednesday Night Meal
6:15 pm - Adult Bible Study
6:30 pm - Youth Bible Study
Note: Nursery and Pre-School care are offered during Sunday School and Worship Service
Sunday School Classes:
Class Type: Women
Age Range: 65-80
Ladies of mature age who love to discuss and participate in the Bible study lesson make up this small group. Those of us who can attend in person actively try to help any of our homebound or members who live at Windsor Point stay connected with our group and our Lord's Church. Like Ester, we are here for this moment in time. You will be welcome in our caring and loving environment!
Class Type: CO-ED
Age Range: 50 - 85
A social-loving crowd, the Faith Class enjoys ministering to each other and the church's homebound members during the holidays. The class is mostly comprised of retired or near retired couples (over the age of 55). The class is led by a co-ed group of teachers who have a strong foundation at FVBC.
Class Type: Women
Age Range: 20 - 75
The Grace/Ruth Class is for ladies of all ages who desire Bible Study and fellowship. The class enjoys discussion and encouragement each week as we focus on different Old and New Testament books of the Bible. There are opportunities to participate in fellowship activities, foreign and local missions and special ministry projects within the church. For those unable to attend in person, Zoom is available during Sunday School. Bring a hungry heart and be refreshed as we study God's Word together.
Class Type: Women
Age Range: 65 - 80
This class is actively involved to meet ongoing needs of the church. They usually have four teachers a month and use the Life and Work quarterlies. A collection is made on each Sunday to support mission projects throughout the year and to provide Christmas gifts for a family. Members meet for lunch at various restaurants once a quarter.
Class Type: Women
Age Range: 40 - 75
The New Life Class consists of women ages fifty and up. The class motto is "Reach, Teach, and win". The Word is taught weekly with emphasis on serving others in our class, church; for i.e., monthly ministry to the WEECare teachers, community and throughout the world. Our hope is that through our serving others we will share Christ as Jesus commanded.
Class Type: Men
Age Range: 20 - 70
Open to all men (general age range is 40-65. A typical Sunday morning class will begin with comradery and small talk. We review the prayer list and ask for prayer requests from class attendees. We review any activities the class is participating over the next few weeks as well as church wide activities that need to be highlighted. We have a group prayer and then begin our Sunday School lesson. The lessons generally follow a quarterly called Explore the Bible. Our lesson and any discussion generally last 30 - 40 minutes.
Class Type: Men
Age Range: 65 - 100
The Page Class is named for former Pastor Walton M. Page. The Page Class has great fellowship while exploring the Holy Scriptures each Sunday. The class is always willing to find ways to help when opportunities arise. There are four teachers who bring great lessons on alternating basis. No one is pressured to read scripture or pray out loud unless led by the Holy Spirit. We welcome all to join us!
Class Type: CO-ED
Age Range: 30 - 60
We are a group of young and middle age (30+) adults that fellowship by studying God's Word, sharing life experiences, and ministering to each other. The atmosphere is informal and open. The Truth Seeker's Heart enjoy serving together in church functions and occasional social outings.
Class Type: Couples
Age Range: 20 - 35
This is a class of young married couples with infants to 5-year-old children. They are committed to the study of God's word and fellowship to insure their family's spiritual growth.
Class Type: Couples
Age Range: 30 - 40
These classes members have elementary to middle school age children. They are committed to the study of God's Word and Christian fellowship to insure spiritual growth.
Class Type: Couples
Age Range: 18 - 30
The single adult Sunday School Class is a transition class for this group of young people. The small group setting allows conversation and discussion about transitioning from teenagers forward. Biblical principles are the focus of this group discussion.
Class Type: CO-ED
Age Range: Middle School
This class is the starting point for the FVBC Student Ministry. Here the youth gather to learn and discuss various truths from God's Word as they seek to be difference-makers in their generation. The goal of this class is to disciple young people to the point where they "own" their faith, so that God can continue to lead them to the next step!
Class Type: Children/Youth Special Needs
Age Range: K-12
The Bridge Builders' Program at FVBC was created to spread the love of Jesus Christ in a safe and secure environment for children to adults with special needs. At the present time, we have an active class for teens through adults to learn and fellowship together during the Sunday School hour. Our younger children are being mainstreamed in regular Sunday School classes and upon request a team will address the need for assistants. If you know your child needs a separate environment, feel free to talk with us so that we may try to meet their needs.